Jim Vlock Building Project / Spring 2018
Critic: Joeb Moore, Amy Lelyfeld, Adam Hopfner 
Team members: Camille Chabrol, Serena Ching, Page Comeaux, Phoebe Harris, Seth Thompson  


Jim Vlock Building Project

Since 1967, the Yale School of Architecture has offered its first-year students the opportunity to design and build a structure as part of their graduate education.

For the second consecutive year, the Yale School of Architecture partnered with Columbus House, a non-profit organization working to end homelessness in the New Haven area. 

Students were tasked with creating a design for a 1,000 square foot two-unit home, while exploring methods and assemblies unique to traditional stick-frame and cross-laminated timber construction.


Our scheme pro­poses to unite the efficiency unit and the family unit around a shared cen­tral court­yard as a way to scale the large lot down to a more in­ti­mate size and to provide varrying degrees of privacy and community. The build­ing masses are gen­er­ated by a CLT ma­trix and con­tex­tu­al­ized by a screen en­ve­lope that aligns with two neigh­bor­hood da­tums: the porch-line and the first-story roofline.